The following is
intentional. I have collected a small smattering of images from today's
Teabaggin' Parties from the
Washington Independents' Aaron Weiner and
David Weigel, as well as some stuff from
Daily Kos.
These images, of course,
show the worst of the worst. Protestors advocating
violence, or
racism, or
toeing that fine line.These images do not show all protesters. There were those who merely wanted to
protest taxation and the deficit. I merely find these people
deluded, not dangerous. And it is danger of which we speak here.

Yeah, let's link our deadly enemy, the one we might have to go to war with, with the duly elected President of the United States.

And yes, the sign says
"While Some Kenyan tries to Destroy America". Forget the "In Living Color" quote.

Anything to make the President look alien and foreign.
And of course, my "favorite" for the day...

Apparently, it was from Chicago.

Are you
sure you want to go there?

Originally posted at Fort McHenry.
this is awful, dudes. i am so ashamed to own an American passport. i can't wait to get the hell out of this bloody idiotic country.
Where y'all moving, Swine?
Admiral, nicely collated and thanks for the disclaimer at the top that this was just a representation of a specific mindset out there...
We might be trying out Finland or Belgium on a "house swap" for a month to see, courtesy of my insane other half. I'm in favor of Italia eventually, or Espana. And, of course, we have ties to Romania, but the weather in winter there is shite my friend. In any case, this won't happen for 10 yrs. or so. There's a little person to consider in this equation.
...Yea, those fucking little people can really mess up a good plan can't they?
Ahhhh, Italia would be my choice too, probably. Though I'm a huge fan of Scotland...
Would you believe it's really hard for an American doctor (my wife is one) to get a job in another country? There's really no way she could get a job that would move us to anywhere in Western Europe.
Sucks. I so want to leave this place.
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